Association Remember Me France was created in October 2014. For numerous years, the municipal pound of Pascani, Romania, detained several hundreds of dogs in atrocious conditions. Hundreds of those were saved and rehomed in France, but more and more new ones kept coming...
The only solution we saw to help Romanian dogs in the long term was to build our own private shelter, at 14 kilometres from Pascani. There, our dogs would be treated well, with daily care, food and water.
In August 2015, the construction of the access route kicked off, in October, the first dogs arrived and in December, the public pound of Pascani was empty!
Nous continuons de développer le refuge : il y a désormais 44 boxes, une maison des chiots pour l’hiver (avec isolation et poêle pour chauffer), une clinique vétérinaire, un logement pour les gardiens et un parc de détente qui fait 2 hectares.